Lactoferrin: can children take it?

16 December 2020
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One of the most frequently asked questions about the use of Lactoferrin as a supplement is whether children can take it. The answer is yes!

The dose to be taken in this case is 100 mg. The dosage is safe for children, as shown by a study conducted on newborns.  (Bovine lactoferrin supplementation for prevention of late-onset sepsis in very low-birth-weight neonates: a randomized trial). Recent studies by the University of Tor Vergata in Rome started from the observation that symptoms from Covid-19 were milder in children. This observation drew scientists' attention to the role of children's innate immunity and in particular to Lactoferrin, a glycoprotein linked to natural immunity and inherited by the child during breastfeeding. It is present in very high concentrations in colostrum and protects the baby from infection from the first days of life.

One capsule of 'Lactoferrin 200 multiaction' contains 100 mg of Lactoferrin, and can be opened if necessary to facilitate intake by children.

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