How many extraordinary stories lie behind the Torna in forma project. We met Manuela Giordano, owner of Erboristeria Helianthus in Torregrotta in the province of Messina, and asked her to tell us the secret of her success with Mediplant Torna in forma.
D. How many new friends have you made thanks to Torna in forma and how many of them continue to rely on your expertise? Tell us the secret of your success.
R. Thanks to Torna in forma, I have been able to deepen friendships that were born in the shop! During the days with our nutritionist, we spend our waiting time chatting and thus get to know each other better and better - relationships that often continue even after the Torna in forma programme has finished.
D. Do you also follow or have you followed the Torna in forma programme by trying out recipes and supplements?
R. Last year I also started my Torna in forma programme, but after a couple of months... much to my delight I got pregnant! My baby is now 4 months old... and I think it is time to start the programme again, as I let myself go a bit during pregnancy.
D. Si I can tell you have a lot of passion for the Torna in forma programme, how do you pass this on to your customers?
R. Passion is easily transmitted when you believe and support what you do!
D. Is it easy to achieve the goal with Torna in forma?
R. The goal is easy to achieve if you are really aware that you want to make the change! Almost everyone has maintained their weight in the long term, because the process completely changes your lifestyle at the table... without any sacrifices.
D. How does Torna in forma help to achieve a state of well-being?
R. The state of well-being is achieved by starting a healthier lifestyle, especially at the table.
D. What do you think are the main obstacles to losing weight?
R. The main obstacles arise for those who eat outside most of the time for work reasons or for those who are not supported at home.
Erboristeria Helianthus, Via Nazionale, 176, 98040 Torregrotta ME
tel. +39 090 991 0905